Articles on Yoga, Tantra and Meditation
Yoga and Meditation - an introduction
Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga – A bridge between the inner and the outer world
Kriya Yoga – to the depth of your nature
Time for Learning… Time for Insight… Time for Teaching…
On Sadhana - on cycles in healing and learning, and on keeping Silence during the initiation in Kriya Yoga
The Greenhouse, the Process and the Ritual - On initiating and being initiated into advanced Kriya Yoga
Yoga teacher training
Tradition and history
Swami Janakananda 1999 - 30 years as Swami - 60 years in life
A yoga school sees the light of day - and - The manifesto of the school
Tantra – the yogi, the artist and the pundit
Swami Janakananda 2019 - 50 years as Swami and 80 years in life