How to cleanse your nose with Yogi's NoseBuddy

Instructions are also available in pdf format.

Rinse the pot and spoon with clean hot water prior to using the first time.

1. Put one level measuring spoon of salt (4.5 g) in NoseBuddy.

Use fine-grained table or cooking salt – preferably one free of additives, such as iodine or anti-caking agents. Coarse-grained salt may be used, but make sure it fully dissolves.

We recommend using rock salt (from mines), since some people may experience reactions to sea salt, such as a stuffy or runny nose.

2. Fill the pot with clean lukewarm water up to the mark (0.5 litres).

Boil the water first (for 1 minute) and let it cool down to a comfortable temperature (lukewarm/body temperature) – or use distilled or sterilized water heated to lukewarm.

If you are on a location with temperate climate and tap water of high drinking quality, and you choose to use water straight from the tap – then always let the water run awhile (½ –1 minute) before filling the pot.

On locations with poor–quality tap water, hot climate or strongly chlorinated water, we recommend always boiling the water prior to use, or use distilled or sterilized water.

If you have dry mucous membranes (e.g. after a long flight) you can add a few drops of vegetable oil, such as almond/sesame oil, to the water. (See Keep NoseBuddy Clean.)

3. Stir the water until the salt fully dissolves.

The water now has the same salt concentration as body cells. This is an isotonic solution (0.9% salt).

The correct water temperature and salt concentration will ensure a pleasant experience.

4. Cleanse your nose.

Insert NoseBuddy’s spout into one nostril so that it fits snugly. Breathe gently through your mouth.

Lean forward over a sink. Tilt your head slightly to one side, with the pot following the same angle, so that the water runs in through one nostril and out the other.

Pour half a pot in through each nostril. Gently blow your nose after cleansing to each side (see step 6).

If your nose needs more thorough cleansing, use a full pot for each nostril.

5. Let the water run out.

Bend forward, your head and arms hanging down loosely.

Allow the excess water to run out of your nose. Dab with a tissue.

If you’re familiar with yoga, you may enhance the effect by doing a yoga pose like the Clown or the Headstand.*

6. Blow your nose.

Stand up and gently blow each nostril separately. Avoid vigorous blowing.

Finish with the Blacksmith’s Bellows breathing exercise:


7. The Blacksmith’s Bellows

Sit with your back and head upright, place your index and middle finger on your forehead (see illustration).

Determine which nostril is most open and shut the other nostril, using either thumb or ring finger.

Breathe in and out rapidly through the open nostril twenty times.

Inhale fully and hold your breath for as long as is comfortable, by closing both nostrils. While holding your breath, let the air press gently in your nose. If congested, hold your breath longer.

Finally, exhale slowly through the same nostril. Repeat on the other side and do the whole sequence twice more on each side.

For maximum benefit or when suffering from congestion, sinusitis, allergies or asthma, always do the Blacksmith’s Bellows* after nose cleansing.

*) For more information about the Clown or Headstand yoga poses, or detailed instruction about the Blacksmith’s Bellows breathing exercise, see Swami Janakananda’s book, Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Daily Life or contact the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School.

Good to know:

If the water runs out too slowly or it doesn’t come out through the other nostril

a) you may be pressing the spout too firmly into your nostril, thus preventing proper flow.

b) you may be holding the spout too loosely in your nostril; thus the water leaks on that same side.

c) nasal congestion may be interfering with the flow. In this case, keep the spout in your nose, with the pot tilted, for a few minutes, allowing the salt water to loosen the blockage. Then blow your nose gently, one nostril at a time.
Repeat the procedure with your other nostril and keep changing from side to side until the water begins to run through, first dripping, then as a steady stream.
If you have a cold, blow your nose with special care – inflamed mucous membranes are more sensitive.

The unique construction of Yogi’s NoseBuddy, with its large volume and long curved spout, facilitates good water flow. This means that in most cases, your nasal passages can be cleared.

If water runs down into your mouth

Sometimes a little water may run through your nose into your mouth. This is of no consequence and could be due to nasal congestion.

But if a lot of water runs into your mouth, you may need to adjust your body position by leaning further forward, tucking your chin closer to your chest or altering the tilt of your head. Don’t tilt your head too much to the side. Also remember to keep breathing through your mouth and avoid swallowing.

If it stings

This may be caused by too little or too much salt, or perhaps the salt has not dissolved fully.
Always use the measuring spoon for adding the correct amount of salt and fill the pot to the water–level mark. Add the salt before the water.
Stir properly, making sure the salt fully dissolves before cleansing your nose.
The solution is correct when it tastes salty like tears..

How often and how much?

Once or twice a day is recommended (morning/evening).

However neti may be done more frequently to prevent an oncoming cold, clear nasal congestion or alleviate symptoms of sinusitis, asthma and hay fever. It’s also ideal for removing particles after exposure to dusty, smoky or polluted air.

To reduce snoring, do neti before going to bed.

For more thorough cleansing, use a full pot for each nostril. The positive effects of nose cleansing increase with regular daily use.

Keep NoseBuddy Clean

NoseBuddy is used for personal hygiene and should therefore be kept properly clean.

Rinse the pot with clean water before each use. After using, rinse pot and spoon in clean hot water and leave them to air dry completely.
Regularly wash the pot and spoon by hand with a mild detergent or in a dishwasher (e.g. once a week) – more often if you add oil to the water.

For hygienic reasons we recommend not sharing your pot.

NoseBuddy is a long–lasting quality product, but if the pot gets worn or difficult to keep clean, it’s time to change to a new NoseBuddy.

Why cleanse your nose? >>